Lesson 17

I’ve taken a 2 day vacation from working horses. Day 1 (Wednesday) because I was sick and day 2 (Thursday) due to the rain. I’m looking forward to getting out today, even if it is muddy so I’ll have to be creative about where I ride. Or maybe I’ll go out and work on my cowboy curtain obstacle so I can practice in preparation for the competitive trail ride in a couple of weeks at Camp Wesley Woods. In case you are interested, here is a link: http://www.itrecrides.com/JUNE-9–10.html.

I also need to ride Izzy. I hope giving her a two day break won’t give her too much energy. This morning I consulted my training manual to see what my next step should be. I’ve been using a great book, The Modern Horseman’s Countdown to Broke, by Sean Patrick. The subtitle is, “Real Do-It-Yourself Horse Training in 33 Comprehensive Steps.” I have found the book to be very helpful. Izzy and I are working on lesson 17 currently. The author starts with Lesson 33 and counts down to lesson 1 so we are about half way to broke.

I did not have this book last year when I started working with Izzy. I followed Stacy Westfall’s colt starting video and applied what I had learned in clinics with Cindy Branham and Julie Goodnight as my guides last year. It has been fun to read this book and compare what I had already done with what the book has to say. For the most part, I’ve been on track. I might have done things a little out of order but its been reassuring that I haven’t missed any steps.

It probably says too much about my personality when I say that I love having a book to follow. In essence it is a written lesson plan that I try to follow as I work with Izzy. Each lesson is very detailed and the book has high quality photos. The photos are not as good as a video might be but I like having the written word to go back and review in between rides.

As I said, right now Izzy & I are on Lesson 17 and we will probably be here for a little while. I have to get her trotting and loping before we can move on to the next lesson. I have to admit that I’ll probably be just a little nervous the first time I really ask her to lope. In the past, sometime bad stuff has happened at the lope. But Izzy and I will have to work through it.

And before we can work on “Hip Serpentines” or Lesson 16, Izzy has to learn to obey my cues and trot and lope until I decide she can stop. That may be interesting. Izzy has a bit of a stubborn streak (as evidenced with trailer loading) that may show up at this stage, but we’ll see. I want to be positive and not look for trouble but I know one of these days, I’m going to need to be very firm but patient with her so that she really understands I’m in charge. So far I sense Izzy’s willingness to go along as long as I’m not too demanding. She reminds me of kids who mind their parents until the parents turn their backs. Right now, I’m careful to keep my eye on her. Hopefully, she doesn’t turn into the teenager who decides to be openly defiant. Time will tell. I’ll fight that battle when & if I have to.

Right now, I better quit writing and get outside. My cowboy curtain project awaits and there are 3 horses standing out there needing a workout.





About praysehim

I am the wife of Steve, mother of Alex and Jayme, a graduate of University of Northern Iowa. My previous work experiences include teaching 7th grade English and Math, direct marketing for an insurance company, being stay at home mom and girls basketball coach, preparing taxes and serving on the staff of my local church. I'm currently taking advantage of our empty nest at home and spending my free time on horseback.
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