This too shall pass

Remember the blue tarp cowboy curtain?

I thought I was so smart to use that old tarp. Those trees out in our north small pasture were just about the perfect distance apart, too. It was a great training tool.

Well, Mother Nature decided to have the last laugh. What I hadn’t taken into consideration was that the location is not protected from the wind. In the days after hanging the tarp, the wind started blowing and the tarp started unraveling. Before too long, the ground downwind was covered with blue threads of plastic about 8 inches long. One day as I walked out there to admire the contrast between the threads and the green grass, I thought, “I probably should pick those up.” But I didn’t.

I wasn’t motivated to go out and pick up those threads until I cleaned out Izzy’s stall one day. Guess what I found? Blue threads in one of the piles she had dropped in the stall.


I could just imagine the conversation with the vet. “Izzy is acting colicky. I’m not sure why except I did find pieces of blue tarp in the poop piles in her stall.” Memories of our adventure last summer with choking and the trip to ISU were all the motivation needed to go out and gather up a small bucket full of blue plastic threads. The cowboy curtain came down the same night.

So here’s a hint from Sheloise regarding using an old tarp to make a cowboy curtain–use duct tape, the handyman’s friend, and tape those raw edges so your cowboy curtain won’t be ‘Gone with the Wind’.

2 Corinthians 4:17 (NIV) For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

About praysehim

I am the wife of Steve, mother of Alex and Jayme, a graduate of University of Northern Iowa. My previous work experiences include teaching 7th grade English and Math, direct marketing for an insurance company, being stay at home mom and girls basketball coach, preparing taxes and serving on the staff of my local church. I'm currently taking advantage of our empty nest at home and spending my free time on horseback.
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